AECC University College is seeking external panel members for the course consideration process of our gateway year for our health sciences UG courses. With this course review we are extending our Level 3 Gateway Entry provision to provide a foundation entry point into Higher Education across all our undergraduate provision. This review provides a Gateway Entry across pre-reg education in subjects including Chiropractic, Radiography, Radiotherapy, Sports and Exercise Rehabilitation and Psychology. The Gateway Entry forms a core part of our Widening Access and Participation plan, enabling applicants from diverse backgrounds to enter University education.
Each Gateway Entry is formed of Core health sciences and academic skills units alongside pathway specific units. Profession specific skills and study are embedded into each pathway, engaging students in their sector from enrolment.
We are looking for an External Panel member who understands Foundation Entry Level 3 University education to support this curriculum review. The panel will be held online with no requirement to attend in person.
Please either send a CV to or email Hazel with any questions.