External Examiner – MSc Early Years Practice (Health Visiting)

Opening Date:
21 Aug 2023
Closing Date:
4 Sep 2023
Salary Range:

The Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport are seeking to appoint an External Examiner for the MSc Early Years Practice (HV) programme.

The course curriculum is designed to equip nurses and midwives to deliver safe and best practice in the role of Health Visitor, as defined in the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses, the Report from the Education Sub Group of the Children, Young People and Families National Advisory Group, and key legislation from the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

The course focuses on three key themes:

  • Wellbeing
  • Assessing and analysing children’s needs including the impact of children’s experiences on their wellbeing
  • Improving outcomes for children and their families

Full details of the programme and modules will be provided to appointees.

As an External Examiner, you will be required to:

  • Monitor the quality of the programme
  • Externally moderate assessed work
  • Attend in person/via MS Teams one Board of Examiners per year
  • Complete an annual report
  • Comment on proposed modifications and the development of new modules

Coursework is submitted electronically via Canvas and is marked online using Gradebook and Turnitin. External Examiners will be required to use the online moderating process. A sample of Practice Assessment Documents will also be provided for review prior to Award. User guides and support will be provided.

This post will be effective from 2nd October 2023. and the term of office would normally be four years.

Applicants should hold appropriate academic and professional qualification(s), have experience of programme delivery and preferably previous experience acting in the role of an External Examiner. All External Examiner appointments are subject to approval by the University’s Academic Council.

If you are interested in applying, please submit a detailed CV to:

Aprill Smith, Faculty Administrator, Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, University of Stirling: Email: fhss.pg.cpd.team@stir.ac.uk

If you require further information please email Aprill Smith, as above, who will forward your query to the appropriate member of staff.

Closing date for applications: Monday 4th September 2023