The post holder will be the lead examiner for the above programme and moderate these modules as well as the EPA:
DA5024 Evidence and Research underpinning Occupational Therapy Practice
DA5025 Occupational Science and Public Health
DA5026 Occupational Therapy Skills 2
DA5027 Practice Placement 2
DA6022 Occupational Therapy Dissertation
DA6023 Occupational Science and Communities
DA6025 Practice Placement 3
DA6042 Professional Development, Lifelong Learning and Professional Practice in Occupational Therapy
Further details about the role can be found at The role will be for 4 academic years from 1 August 2025.
As External Examiner you will approve assessments, moderate student work, complete annual reports and may be invited to attend exam boards.
As External Assessor you will operate in line with current External Quality Assurance of Apprenticeship End-Point Assessment for Integrated Higher and Degree Apprenticeships guidance ( You will be involved in: reviewing documentation relating to the EPA; reviewing a sample of EPA assessed work, including observing live assessments; observing assessor standardisation or moderation meetings and exam boards where the final decision of the EPA is confirmed; meeting with independent assessors, other EPAO staff, apprentices and where possible employers.
The Department is looking for applicants who are/have/demonstrate:
• Suitably qualified (academically or professionally) with expertise in the subject area – including current HCPC registration.
• Experience of and leadership in learning and teaching / quality assurance.
• Previous experience as an External Examiner (desirable).
• Experience and qualities as per the EQA External Assessors Guidance document, appendix 1 person specification.
• Independent of apprentices and the employing organisation.
We cannot currently accept applications from the following institutions: Cardiff University, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Plymouth, University of Essex, Robert Gordon University.
If you are interested in applying (or to request further information), please send a CV (max 4 pages) covering
• Contact details: postal address, telephone, email address;
• Present post & employment history;
• Qualifications & professional memberships;
• External examiner/assessor experience in the past 5 years, including participation in recognised development programme/training;
• Teaching experience & responsibilities in the past 5 years, eg subject/modules taught, module tutor role;
• Quality assurance experience in the past 5 years: design/setting/internal moderation of assessments, Module Leader, Programme Leader, approval/validation/review activity or panel membership (internal/external), collaborative/franchise partner activity, committee membership;
• Research and related scholarly activity or professional/consultancy in the past 5 years;
• For degree apprenticeship programmes please ensure your relevant occupational experience and professional body registrations are evident;
• A covering paragraph outlining your suitability, to include indication of any association between yourself and Northumbria