Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medical Education (Primary Care) 20% FTE

Opening Date:
28 Jul 2021
Closing Date:
18 Aug 2021
Salary Range:

Job Number : BU02535
School/Department : School of Medical Sciences
Grade : Other
Salary on the appropriate Clinical Scale: £55,002 – £100,579 p.a. pro rata dependent upon experience, qualification and clinical level

Contract Duration : 2 years

Applications are invited for the above part-time post working in the School of Medical and Health Sciences. Duties cover teaching including supervising and facilitating the academic work of students and provision of pastoral care and academic support. Scholarship activities to include enhancement of the standing of the School and University at local, national and international level through communication with local and wider public and stakeholder groups. Leadership including the provision of academic leadership by co-ordinating the work of others to ensure areas of the primary care undergraduate course are organised and delivered effectively and involvement in strategic planning through the Programme lead and Executive Director/Head of School of Medical Sciences. Candidates should be educated to medical degree standard (or similarly equivalent healthcare qualification) with a Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (eg PG Cert MEP) or equivalent qualification or evidence (e.g. membership of the Higher Education Academy, Academy of Medical Educators or similarly recognised professional educator body), or studying for higher education teaching award at time of application.

The ideal candidate will have substantial and significant teaching experience at undergraduate /postgraduate level, demonstrating teaching innovation in aspects of course development, design and delivery. A proven ability to adapt to the changing requirements of the Higher Education community is also essential together with outstanding communication and IT skills and the ability to provide appropriate pastoral and academic support to students. The ability to communicate in Welsh is desirable for this post. The successful candidate will be expected to commence as soon as possible and the post is available for 2 years.

Salary will be on an appropriate clinical scale dependent upon the successful candidate’s experience. The post required the post holder to be clinically qualified only, and no clinical sessions are attached. On this basis the role does not therefore attract any Clinical Commitments or similar additional clinical, pay awards.

As part of the Cardiff and Bangor Partnership the successful candidate will also be considered for an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer title at Cardiff University and will be given access to Cardiff University libraries, a IT user-account and necessary.

Informal enquires can be made by contacting Dr Ffion Williams, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medical Education (Bangor MBBCh Programme Lead),