6th November 2017

Student Leadership Programme – my experience

Participating on the Student Leadership programme has given me an understanding of leadership styles and approaches in a society where industries, companies and health care settings are adapting and evolving.

As a student nurse taking part in the programme, I have had an insight into the journey of leaders in the nursing and healthcare sector and the experiences they have had.

My mentor has been instrumental in providing assistance on leadership literature and support. I am preparing for the final event of the student leadership programme in London at the end of November and also arranging to go to the United Arab Emirates in December as part of the Common Purpose UK Leadership development project that my University are participating in.

Using my skills and experience from participating in the student leadership programme I can utilise these skills gained in the work that I do internationally by leading and working with teams, and also in the work I carry out at University in roles as learning team representative, practice learning committee member in the nursing school and peer assisted coordinator for the 2017-18 final year nursing students.

The student leadership programme has given me the opportunity to develop my interpersonal skills and gain knowledge that I can take with me in my future career in Nursing.

Best wishes,

Matthew Weir