This week, over 20 of the #150Leaders reunited in London to meet with Suzanne Rastrick, the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer (CAHPO) for NHS England and Beverley Harden, the AHP Lead at Health Education England. Students represented 10 different courses in total and contributed to discussions on future AHP strategy, interprofessional working and visibility and promotion of the professions.
Suzanne Rastrick started the event with a review of NHS England’s AHP strategy, including how AHPs have engaged in the past and the vision for the future. Students were invited to share their own ideas of what AHPs and AHP leadership will look like by 2020.
Students also met with Beverley Harden, who outlined the work of Health Education England (HEE) for the Allied Health Professions. Laura Rogers and Gill Rawlinson, AHP Clinical Fellows at HEE, led discussions on awareness of the professions and the future of careers in the allied health professions.