Council of Deans of Health Wales / Cyngor Deoniaid Iechyd Cymru

Council of Deans of Health Wales / Cyngor Deoniaid Iechyd Cymru is the strategic voice of university faculties in Wales engaged in nursing, midwifery and allied health profession education and research.

Our members are:

  • Providing educational solutions to workforce challenges in health and social care
  • Educating the next generation of healthcare professionals
  • Contributing to world class research and innovation
  • Working with organisations across Wales to promote the contribution of education and research to high quality care

CoDH Wales works closely with organisations such as Welsh Government, Health Education and Improvement Wales and professional bodies on issues relevant to the sector.

Convenor: Dr Elizabeth Mason, Bangor University

Vice Convenor: Amanda Jones, Aberystwyth University

Contact: Megan Isherwood, Policy Officer, Council of Deans of Health


Aberystwyth University

Bangor University

Cardiff University

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Swansea University

The Open University

University of South Wales

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Wrexham Glyndŵr University

Recent work relating to Wales