Online events

The Council ‘s online events focus on areas including academic leadership, research, regulation, and sustainability of the academic workforce. There are also a number of opportunities to virtually network with colleagues at Coffee with the Council.

Race Equity Month 2024: How do we attract the next generation of academics from diverse backgrounds?  | Tue 12 Nov 24 | 15:00-16:00 | Register now

 Currently academics teaching in nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals courses do not reflect the ethnic diversity of the student or general population. Speakers in this webinar will give their ideas on how to encourage more minoritised students to pursue an academic career, and how to develop a more diverse academic workforce. This webinar is free and open to all.

NMC & CoDH Joint Annual Meeting | Mon 2 Dec 24 | 10:00-12:00 | Named members only

Every year the Council of Deans of Health hosts a joint annual meeting in partnership with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. We encourage a named member from all institutions to attend to discuss key updates and workstreams with the regulator. Please contact us if you think you are eligible.

HE-FE partnership working: Joint Webinar with the Association of Colleges | Thu 12 Dec 24 | 15:30-16:30

There has been a drive in recent years for a local, sustainable healthcare workforce. Recruitment and retention of healthcare staff remains a challenge, and it has become crucial to widen access and participation to groups in the community that do not traditionally go on to higher education. This webinar looks at some case studies of how universities are increasingly partnering with other local education providers to increase the pool of talent in healthcare education. To register, please follow the steps below.

Do you want to register for an event?
Unless specified, webinars are open to all Council of Deans of Health member institutions and their staff. If you are unsure whether you are eligible, please contact the events team. Registration links will be sent to members in our weekly bulletin. If you would like to register for an event and missed a link, please contact us.

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