Archive of older case studies

Innovation in Teaching & Learning

In 2015 the Council launched a call to its members for case studies that highlighted examples of innovation in teaching and learning. The call focused primarily on four categories – pre-registration education (undergraduate), postgraduate education (taught), postgraduate education (research) and widening participation – all of which were identified as important themes within health higher education. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

You can also read the full case study analysis.

Return to Practice Nursing (All Fields) and Return to Practice Midwifery programme.

Glasgow Caledonian University

The Return to Practice Nursing and Return to Practice Midwifery programme enables former nurses and midwives to return back into the profession and re-enter employment in Scotland. The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport announced support for this programme and funding has been made available to students.

A service user led education experience to enhance learning of effective communication with people with learning disability.

Bournemouth University

We have facilitated a local learning disability self advocacy organisation to design and deliver a day promoting positive values and effective communication towards people with learning disabilities. The day has been delivered primarily to nursing students so far, but operating department practitioners have recently become part of it, with the ultimate aim of including all…

Increasing student nurses' preparedness for undertaking community nursing roles through simulation

Queen Margaret University

My colleague, Gillian Morris (now University of Dundee) and I developed a community simulation scenario for first year undergraduate student nurses. This was carried out following their first semester teaching block and prior to the first clinical experience which is a community placement. The aim was to evaluate nursing students’ learning around caring for patients within…

The A2B personal tutor programme.

University of Birmingham

At the University of Birmingham there is a widening participation scheme, Access2Birmingham (A2B), to help applicants for disadvantaged backgrounds and no family history of higher education to get into the University. To address problems that the students who came to the Nursing department via the A2B scheme a programme was implemented wherein the A2B admissions…

Masters of Nursing in Clinical Research

University of Edinburgh

This programme offers a unique opportunity for experiential, practice-based learning within clinical and health care research teams. It has been designed for nurses with a strong aptitude and aspiration for a research career. With 50 per cent theoretical work and 50 per cent clinical research practice attachments, the programme will normally follow on immediately from…

Imagination and Innovation

University of Hertfordshire

The BSc Pre-registration Nursing team developed a final year level 6 module (called Imagination and Innovation) for all four nursing fields. In this module students identify a an aspect of practice from their own practice experience that they feel could be enhanced. They carry out an investigation of the issue, pull together the evidence and…

Virtual Student Exchange Project

Canterbury Christ Church University

This programme of activities aims to give students a simple experience of radiography and radiography education in another country by creating a virtual space for discussion between similar students at Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Johannesburg. The plan is for two to three interactions each year; essentially discussions and simple topic activities…

Complex clinical case histories close the theory-practice gap, providing an effective conduit between higher education and clinical practice .

Manchester Metropolitan University

The setting for this innovation is been developed as part of a collaborative Critical Care Nursing programme delivered by Manchester Metropolitan University and The Greater Manchester Critical Care Network (Degree and Masters level). The educators have developed case studies that reflect the dynamic and complex nature of caring for patients within critical care. These are…

Pain Management

Bangor University

Four pre recorded lectures, two in Welsh and two in English to be accessed in their chosen language. Students to watch these before the lecture and to complete work books to consolidate learning in class. This was followed by cross over group work to examine scenarios in pain management.