Archive of older case studies

Innovation in Teaching & Learning

In 2015 the Council launched a call to its members for case studies that highlighted examples of innovation in teaching and learning. The call focused primarily on four categories – pre-registration education (undergraduate), postgraduate education (taught), postgraduate education (research) and widening participation – all of which were identified as important themes within health higher education. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

You can also read the full case study analysis.

Capstone activities using simulation with live 'actors' as patients

Buckinghamshire New University

This innovation used simulation with a capstone style activity, which incorporated a number of case studies. The case studies were used to join together knowledge from 2 distinct but connected 3rd year modules (a practical skills module and a leadership and management module). A full cohort of third year students were presented with case studies…

On-line role play for mental health nursing

City, University of London

I have developed an activity that utilises simple discussion boards and chat facilities within Moodle that replicates the experience of managing a service user with complex needs. The students are allocated to a variety of professional roles. The students manage the case over a period of time on-line, gathering information, liaising with colleagues, communicating with…

Learning to deal with crisis within the home: Developing community simulation scenarios for post registration nurses .

Queen Margaret University

For two years post registration the specialist practitioner district nursing programme at QMU has incorporated medical emergency simulation sessions within the curriculum. Each session allows the students to participate in emergency scenarios and apply procedural, problem solving and communication skills. A partnership approach was adopted between academics from a range of specialities and practitioners with…

Integrating assessment into a learning activity.

Queen Margaret University

Postgraduate students studying the Education in Action module work in pairs to design and defend a poster that critically analyses and evaluates differing assessment methods. The posters are displayed as if at a conference and one of each pair defends their poster to their colleagues (who are all the second members of the pairs) who…

Online open day webinar

Bournemouth University

During the academic year 2014-2015 BU introduced an online webinar open day as an alternative to students who may struggle to attend a typical face to face open day. In the webinar, an academic from the adult nursing programme spoke for 30 minutes about the programme and the nursing philosophy at BU. This was followed…

Interprofessional co-creation of student and staff research and educational projects.

Bournemouth University

The innovation has involved student and staff working together to add value to student projects Case 1: Co-creation of abstracts and publications: Students in the 3rd year in MW, OT and PT are involved in writing a literature review on a topic of their choice. This case has involved staff working with students during their…

Meta-analysis in R using metafor, meta and MAd

King's College London

This innovation is the development of a teaching package and associated documentation about how to undertake a meta-analyses in R. R is an open-source, freely available, and platform-independent programming language in which many thousands of different packages have been produced to carry out virtually any type of analysis one can imagine. This innovation uses four…

Using professional actors in teaching clinical skills for the Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making module and also for the OSCE assessments related to this module.

University of Birmingham

This year we have increased our postgraduate education provision significantly with the introduction of a new MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Sept 2015) and additional standalone modules.There has been a great deal of interest in the Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making module where we have been exploring new ways of teaching and assessment for…