Archive of older case studies

Innovation in Teaching & Learning

In 2015 the Council launched a call to its members for case studies that highlighted examples of innovation in teaching and learning. The call focused primarily on four categories – pre-registration education (undergraduate), postgraduate education (taught), postgraduate education (research) and widening participation – all of which were identified as important themes within health higher education. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

You can also read the full case study analysis.

Continuous online practical anatomy portfolio

University of the West of England, Bristol

This is a piece of coursework designed to promote student engagement (both in attending lectures and practical sessions, as well as engaging fully with the material) and build up laboratory skills to be able to apply them. It is comprised of themed ‘portfolios’ mapping to nine of the twelve practical/lecture fortnights across the academic year…

Mock interviews for applicants to nursing programmes who come from a widening participation background.

University of the West of England, Bristol

The overall aim of the initiative is to offer potential students from a Low Participation Neighbourhoods (LPN) who are submitting an application to UWE, for a nursing-based degree programme, an opportunity to experience a mock interview. The Practice Interviews offer students an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the stringent selection process involved for…

Games with aims - flipped learning and interactive teaching

City, University of London

Within the medical ultrasound programme at City University London, we have ‘flipped’ the classroom, so that students work through on-line lectures at home, prior to face-to-face interactive sessions at the university. We then use the lecture time to demonstrate cases linked to the on-line lectures, ask students to describe appearances, write reports, suggest a diagnosis…

Research-based learning module

University of the West of England, Bristol

A 30 credit level M research-based learning module for professional skills development of postgraduate researchers that is delivered in a non-linear manner with fully interactive remote access. The module integrates professional skills development into PG research in a highly accessible and flexible manner, and breaks down the barriers between PG research and professional skills development.…

'The Use of Visual Metaphor as Social Object; Driving Processes in Autoethnography as an Alternative Lens for Reflective Practice'

University of Sunderland

A visual metaphorical journey, constructed very basically using pictures and photographs was the means of students expressing their perceptions of their journey through the module. Introducing the methodological approach of autoethnography was a mechanism of allowing students to introspectively reflect on whether their experience of using metaphors was valuable or not in terms of meaning…

Welsh-medium antenatal education classes

Swansea University

In my role as Welsh Language Midwifery Teacher in the Midwifery and Reproductive Health Team in the College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University, I have set up and been facilitating a series of informal antenatal education classes through the medium of Welsh. The classes are held on a four week rolling programme, and…

'Bradton': Co-production of a virtual community with service users and carers

University of Bradford

The Bradton virtual community is an open access resource ( that is ‘populated’ by people who have used health and social care services because of various health conditions and social needs, originally developed by Michael Hellawell and Jane Priestley at the University of Bradford, in collaboration with the COMENSUS project at the University of Central…

Destination Social Work

Glasgow Caledonian University

The work culminated in a website ( targeted at social work students articulating directly into level 2 of the undergraduate social work programme. The aim was to assist existing and prospective students in developing their academic skills and confidence. The site includes 17 sequential and contextualised tutorials covering the various skills that students will need…

Student as Co-creator: Re-shaping Learning Development input into Return to Practice Nursing / Midwifery @ GCU

Glasgow Caledonian University

Working with students from a previous cohort of GCU’s Return to Practice Nursing / Midwifery to evaluate the programme and inform changes/enhancements/developments for future input. This was done via email and in a focus group, where two graduates from the programme provided feedback regarding the programme in general, but specifically Learning Development input relating to…