Archive of older case studies

Innovation in Teaching & Learning

In 2015 the Council launched a call to its members for case studies that highlighted examples of innovation in teaching and learning. The call focused primarily on four categories – pre-registration education (undergraduate), postgraduate education (taught), postgraduate education (research) and widening participation – all of which were identified as important themes within health higher education. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

You can also read the full case study analysis.

Creating clinical academic nurse, midwife and allied health professional leaders for Wessex.

University of Southampton

We have implemented and created a clinical academic programme for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. Clinical academics are central to advancing the science and art of healthcare, assessing the practical application of new evidence, and the teaching, training, and mentoring colleagues. Through this innovation we are facilitating senior leaders to shape the policy and…

Dementia Through the Eyes of a Child

University of the West of Scotland

The University of the West of Scotland (UWS), School of Health Nursing and Midwifery, has collaborated with South Lanarkshire Council (SLC) Education Department to enhance the student learning experience through the research, development and delivery of a variety of health promotion/ health education topics to children in primary and secondary schools within the South Lanarkshire…

Enhanced Practice Support Framework (EPSF)

Anglia Ruskin University

This project developed a new framework for practice learning support. Specifically, within each practice area there is now: (1) a lead mentor responsible for the quality of mentorship, (2) mentors with the responsibility for teaching and assessing, and (3) all other registered nurses undertake the role of student coaching; This new framework has been piloted…

Developing Mental Health students through a Service User 'Buddying' scheme

Anglia Ruskin University

Anglia Ruskin University in collaboration with Health Education East of England (HE EoE) and South Essex Partnership Trust (SEPT) implemented the Buddy Scheme for students undertaking the Mental Health Field of the Pre-Registration Nursing course. The Buddy Scheme, aimed at level 5 students, offers mental health nursing students the opportunity to learn to ‘put the…

Developing digital literacy in the curriculum

Anglia Ruskin University

This innovation has seen the development of a series of Digital Literacy badges aligned to a published framework to integrate these into the curriculum (Ferrari, 2013; Evangelinos and Holley, 2015a). Through the recognition of current teaching & learning practice, plus changes where required, the framework will support the development of student digital literacy (Evangelinos and…

Using Adobe Connect video conferencing to support 3rd year student midwives in preparation for OSCE.

Anglia Ruskin University

This innovation used Adobe Connect video conferencing facility to create interactive ‘virtual classroom’ revision sessions that support the 3rd year student midwives to prepare for their OSCE as part of the Emergency midwifery practice module. These sessions took place twice a week whilst the students were in placement. Each session covered one topic, and additionally…

Developing higher order thinking in final year nursing students

Anglia Ruskin University

The goal of this innovation was to find an efficient way to assess higher order thinking skills of third year students on emergency and acute care modules. The teaching team developed case scenarios, which students had to accurately analyse and interpret in order to be able to answer correctly. The innovation used MCQs, delivered using…

A novel online approach to support students with their final year research project

Anglia Ruskin University

To support students with their final year project, an innovate approach developing a game into Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) was used. A game was suggested (Shanahan et al., 2006) and it was felt that a Cluedo board would be effective. Each room focused on different elements of a literature review, whilst also allowing students to…

Aiming Higher? Developing student assessment literacy

Anglia Ruskin University

This innovation targeted the development of student assessment literacy, a core factor in degree attainment. To develop a deep understanding of the assessment strategies used in their course, the informative and practical guide, titled ‘Aiming Higher’ was developed. The Aiming Higher document encouraged students to actively engage with their feedback, formative and summative, and use…

Enhancing quality and support in mentor assessment of student nurse competence in practice using mobile devices

Anglia Ruskin University

Between January and May 2015 thirty first-year pre-registration paediatric student nurses used a digitised evolution of the existing paper-based clinical practice portfolio to allow them to undertake and demonstrate the UK’s Nursing and Midwifery Council competencies while in placement. The App allows for the electronic completion and assessment of student professional development portfolios via both…