Recent case studies
Innovation Case Studies

Archived Case Studies

From 2012-14 we worked with the Higher Education Academy on a project to identify and disseminate curriculum innovations currently in practice across the UK in nursing, midwifery and AHP education. The project’s first year focused on scoping and identifying innovations, using a student journey to provide a framework to which innovation could be mapped. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

Service user feedback questionnaire of final clinical examinations

University of Northampton

A service user feedback questionnaire was devised to develop service user involvement in the assessment of final year podiatry students. The questionnaires comprised of a series of questions relating to student’s clinical proficiency and professionalism and were provided to service users receiving treatment during the final clinical examinations. Service users were asked to score students […]

Patient feedback in clinical placement

University of Northampton

Staff, mentors, service users and carers worked together to develop a pilot project with the use of a patient feedback tool for use by nursing students while on clinical practice. The aim was to develop a mini 360 degree review process for the student with the mentor obtaining feedback from patients, which was then […]

Clinical skills supervision workshop

University of Dundee

Clinical Skills Supervision workshop and follow up teaching sessions – 2 day clinical supervision workshop for supervisors aimed at nurses working in mental health and public health services. Workshops were delivered by clinical practice and nurse academic staff from the HEI. The workshop is an innovative skills based workshop. Aims are to: Broaden the […]

Subscription to Patient Opinion for service user engagement

University of Edinburgh

Patient Opinion is a ‘not for profit organisation’ which runs an award winning national website on which patients, carers and relatives share their experiences of health services. Patient Opinion’s work with health services spans the UK, and the website has, to date, published almost 44,000 stories. Patient Opinion is a fully accessible website […]

Creative writer in residence in nursing studies

University of Edinburgh

Leverhulme funded Writer in Residence (Nicola White) in Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh and related project in mental health practice Telling Our Stories (Deborah Ritchie) at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Nurses in practice took part in writing workshops What prompted innovation? Seeking a different way to access nurses’ knowledge and practice through creative writing […]

Adaptation of Shareville virtual world

City, University of London

Adaptation of a virtual immersive world to introduce students working with people with learning disability. We adapted Shareville, a virtual whole town environment developed at Birmingham City University. Student nurses learned from realistic, problem-based scenarios featuring adults with learning disabilities in a residential care home and children with learning disabilities in an out-patient clinic. […]

PPD groups for mental health student nurses

City, University of London

We developed personal and professional development (PPD) groups to facilitate mental health student nurses processing the emotional challenges experienced in education and practice. The 90-minute groups meet weekly throughout the academic year, including when the students are undertaking placements, and last for the entire length of the course. Each group has two facilitators who […]

Service learning placement for physiotherapy students

University of Birmingham

A 20 credit module was developed for 1st year students registered on our MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration) programme, to incorporate 20 hours of community, non-clinical placement learning, supported by pre-placement preparation and post-placement debrief and evaluation. The ‘service-learning’ placement required students to actively engage with local community groups, through participation in focused tasks, such as […]

Involvement of service users in pre-reg teaching

Robert Gordon University

The essential innovation is based on the principle of enhancing students’ ability to understand and provide compassionate care. This is done through exposure of students to ‘real’ service users in the early part of their course in order to highlight the importance of effective and caring interactions as well as provide effective opportunities to […]

Module for senior public health practitioners

Swansea University

We developed a competence based bespoke module for senior public health practitioners in response to a ‘health protection’ commission. The seniority of the participants required a compact 1 week module with an integrated assessment giving same day results. An OSPE (objective structured practice examination) tested both theoretical knowledge and practice skills in health protection. […]