Recent case studies
Innovation Case Studies

Archived Case Studies

From 2012-14 we worked with the Higher Education Academy on a project to identify and disseminate curriculum innovations currently in practice across the UK in nursing, midwifery and AHP education. The project’s first year focused on scoping and identifying innovations, using a student journey to provide a framework to which innovation could be mapped. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

Module in 'Innovation and Creativity' for 3rd year OT students

Canterbury Christ Church University

There is a module at the end of year 3 (just prior to the students graduating) called “ and Creativity”. This module develops OT skills in the students in a structured and creative way. The module asks the students to submit a business proposal for an innovative idea which fits broadly under one of […]

Service user video

Canterbury Christ Church University

The use of video to capture service user stories. These videos provide a consistent service user (SU) voice and show the students the SU in their environment, living with a condition. What prompted innovation? Getting the students more engaged, bridging the theory-to-practice gap by seeing the real human experience and engaging with the theory. […]

Biographical approach in learning

Canterbury Christ Church University

The use of a biographical approach in learning. The module aim is to enable the learner to establish ‘where they are now’ through a review of their learning, assessment of their current learning needs and to negotiate a learning agreement and programme plan for their studies. The module allows the construction of learning biographies […]

Values based recruitment for nursing

University of Southampton

A group activity has been designed and implemented to enable observers to identify the attitudes and attributes requisite in professional nursing practice, including personal values of caring and compassion, communication skills, engagement with peers and with a team and leadership qualities. All assessors/ observers are prepared for the role and they include service users, […]

Service User Involvement

University of Southampton

A strategic, integrated approach to exposing the students to the lived experience of service users and carers within differing aspects to their student experience, utilising Tew’s (2004) ladder of involvement as a measurement of progress. The project was started in April 2012 and is on-going. The strategy includes: A strategic service user and carer […]

Palliative EOLC Module (Pre-reg)

University of Southampton

The innovation is situated in a compulsory second year adult branch undergraduate module Palliative and End of Life Care. The module is designed around 7 typical cases concerned with palliative and end of life care. The cases are used in the taught programme to consider the module syllabus and this culminates in a simulated […]

General practice nursing programme

University of Plymouth

Foundations of General Practice Nursing: A nationally acclaimed foundation programme for nurses new to General Practice. This university credit-bearing course (which was the first course for GPN’s accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RGCP)) provides evidence based education that develops the core competences and approaches key to perform the role successfully. Evaluation […]

Experience Based Learning groups in nursing

University of Brighton

Experience Based Learning groups (EBLs) are drawn from the evidence base of enquiry based learning and action learning. The groups run throughout each year, and are mapped against the students practice experience and the learning outcomes of theory modules at each stage of the student journey. This is designed to provide a cohesive medium […]

User Carer Involvement Group

Swansea University

Developing and co-ordinating a user and carer involvement group (June 2010 to present day). A fundamental way that I have sought to make learning environments more effective across college programmes has been to establish a service user and carer involvement (health) group, with myself as co-ordinator. Our service user and carer colleagues are now […]

Telling stories understanding real life genetics

University of South Wales

Telling Stories Understanding Real Life Genetics ( is a freely-available education resource for healthcare professionals  launched in 2007. It sets stories from patients, carers, family members and professionals within an education framework that makes clear the links to professional practice and maps them to competency frameworks and/or learning outcomes for nurses, midwives, medical students […]