Recent case studies
Innovation Case Studies

Archived Case Studies

From 2012-14 we worked with the Higher Education Academy on a project to identify and disseminate curriculum innovations currently in practice across the UK in nursing, midwifery and AHP education. The project’s first year focused on scoping and identifying innovations, using a student journey to provide a framework to which innovation could be mapped. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

Enquiry based learning for nurses

University of Hull

Enquiry based learning, linked to situational and patient scenarios. A scenario is generated that enables students to learn specific skills, for example using the problem-solving approach- A.P.I.E., which then leads on to using this with different models to develop care planning skills, (the ability to assess, provide a nursing diagnosis, plan, implement and evaluate […]

Vibrotactile suit for patient handling moves

Birmingham City University

Use of a vibrotactile suit to help students understand when they are adopting the correct posture before, during and after performing patient handling moves. The haptic feedback allows self-correction quicker than when given verbal feedback and to a more accurate level. What prompted innovation? Stephen Wanless has worked in healthcare having an interest in […]

Regional placement management system

Leeds Beckett University

Working with an Australian commercial partner Quantum IT, Leeds Metropolitan University (LMU) has developed and implemented a regional placement management system coordinating student placements across 5 universities and 2000 placement provider organisations. The system enhances the student experience through improved coordination of placement-related learning and support, and delivers significant operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness through […]

Competency map for patient safety (app)

Leeds Beckett University

Competency map for patient safety which follows the other ALPS CETL maps for communication, teamwork and ethical practice What prompted innovation? Key skills and learning outcomes vary across pre-registration H&SC courses but central to the practice of all of the professional groups represented by ALPS is a high level of professional competence in […]

Team-based learning in UG module on pathophysiology applied to nursing practice

University of Bradford

Piloted use of team-based learning in a third year undergraduate module entitled Pathophysiology Applied to Nursing Practice. Previously this module was delivered via lectures. What prompted innovation? Evidence from exam papers that students found it difficult to apply principles to practice and tended to use factual recall rather than critical thinking Colleague had successfully […]

Virtual ethics committee to teach research methods in nursing

Teesside University

A variety of teaching and learning strategies have been created to enable postgraduate students to learn research methods, ethics and governance issues. They include a Virtual/Ethics committee, a Research clinic, Masterclasses and a Journal club. What prompted innovation? The development of a new MSc Nursing at Teesside University and the need to engage students […]

Workshop for healthcare support workers around basic clinical observations

Leeds Beckett University

Workshop/study day for healthcare support workers around basic clinical observations. The study day is aimed at those working in the mental health setting, but addresses the physical health agenda. What prompted innovation? Current gaps in service provision. Department of Health policy. Expressed need by a local Trust. What makes innovation different? As well as […]

Problem-based Learning for OT first year students

University of Brighton

Active, meaningful, enjoyable and personalised learning from day one for our occupational therapy students. We integrate all subjects around potent real-world issues using ‘pure’ Problem-based Learning (PBL) in small groups. Facilitated by a skilled tutor, every two weeks students receive a new ‘case’ (developed with practitioners) which provokes discussion; through which they engage their […]

Inter-branch Child and Adolescent Mental Health Workshop

Swansea University

Inter-branch child and adolescent mental health workshop (2007-2013) For the past seven years an inter-branch workshop on child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) has run as part of the pre-registration nursing programme (Terry et al, 2009; Terry, 2010). I co-ordinate this workshop, which runs across four days during the 2nd and 3rd year timetables, […]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement online courses in UG curriculum

University of Dundee

From September 2011, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) online courses on quality improvement, patient safety, leadership and person and family-centred care have been integrated into the undergraduate curriculum for adult, mental health and child branch nursing students. The courses have been mapped across a module which spans the three years of the curriculum […]