Recent case studies
Innovation Case Studies

Archived Case Studies

From 2012-14 we worked with the Higher Education Academy on a project to identify and disseminate curriculum innovations currently in practice across the UK in nursing, midwifery and AHP education. The project’s first year focused on scoping and identifying innovations, using a student journey to provide a framework to which innovation could be mapped. HEIs from across the four nations submitted case studies detailing examples of innovation in teaching and learning that are now available for all to access.

Eportfolio to reflect on clinical placements for graduates

University of Staffordshire

Introducing the use of the electronic Graduate E-portfolio (PebblePad) to enable trainees to plan and reflect on their learning and development of competencies on clinical placements. The clinical tutors have access to uploaded activity sheets that outline the learning and development opportunities. What prompted innovation? The need for more purposeful and accessible individual learning […]

Service user involvement in student feedback on clinical interview skills

University of Staffordshire

Our innovation is to actively include service users and carers in the team that provides feedback to students. This is done to enhance the validity of role play appraisal by adding the perspective of a service user in the feedback to the trainees. Service users and carer consultants take part in the in vivo […]

Inter-professional simulation training in acute emergency care

King's College London

The establishment of an interprofessional high fidelity simulation training in the acute emergency care setting for final year medical, nursing and midwifery students. What prompted innovation? Enhancing patient safety is increasingly recognised to be essential to providing a quality health care environment and this has been recognised by several national institutions (NICE, 2007, IOM […]

Spiritual Care Matters e-learning unit

University of Dundee

The Spiritual Care Matters GLIDER (a small e-learning unit) is delivered over a six to eight week period. It combines topic information with practice-based scenarios, to provide learners with knowledge of spiritual care whilst also encouraging them to focus on application of the principles and knowledge to their own area of practice, both in […]

Doctor and Nurse as Teacher Programme

University of Dundee

The Doctor and Nurse as Teacher programme is the first interprofessional student selected component to be offered by the School of Medicine in collaboration with the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Education Development Service and local primary schools. This was designed to enable medical and nursing students to work collaboratively while deepening their learning, […]

Interactive computer marked assessment (iCMA) simulating healthcare practice

The Open University

Simulating healthcare practice for assessment – a case study approach to the development of interactive computer marked assessment (iCMA) The Open University has developed iCMAs that mimic the reality of practice and enable students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and increasing analytical skills across increasingly complex service user scenarios without compromising service user safety. […]

Webinar facilities to deliver lecture content

Edinburgh Napier University

The innovation is delivery of lecture content within a cancer / haemato-oncology programme, using live webinar facilities. This can be delivered to the student at different time points including evenings and can be listened to in the comfort of the student’s home or in the large computer facilities within the university. What prompted innovation? […]

Compassionate care module for nurses

Edinburgh Napier University

Redesigning a module to make compassionate care more explicit. We invited a range of participants, including lecturers, senior nurses in compassionate care, students and charge nurses to participate in an action meeting that explored key compassionate elements that needed to be integrated into the module. The participants reflected on what mattered to patients and […]

Peer Assisted Student Support (PASS) project

Edinburgh Napier University

This is a peer support project that obtained funding to target support and developmental opportunities at articulating students, students from MD20 areas and any ‘regional challenges for other groups we might identify’, such as students who are under 18 or students with additional learning needs. The funding for the first year of this project […]

Module in physical care as part of mental health nursing programme

King's College London

The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery and Lewisham Healthcare collaborated in an older adult physical care project for Pre-registration Mental Health students. The initiative commenced in February 2012 and offered all First Year King’s Mental Health students with either South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust or South West London and St.George’s […]