A virtual community called “Stilwell” (, populated by virtual characters each with their own resources such as videos, podcasts, medical notes and diaries which interact and overlap each other over a Stilwell timeline. Stilwell is unique, a narrative pedagogy which allows learners to observe characters experiencing child protection, alcohol and drugs misuse, prostitution, domestic violence, sexual health and many other social issues from the perspective of the individual and/or the carers/support teams in place around them. It places the student in an environment for learning which would normally be off limits due to the personal and confidential nature of the issue. It can be used as an open resource for students and educators to access all available material or selected material can be embedded in a VLE package as a specific teaching and learning objective(s) which can be delivered plenary or distance.
What prompted innovation?
- Capitalising on faculty expertise within the health and social care sector to facilitate learning in a “real life environment”.
- Affording students the opportunity to take part in, although virtually, situations which would normally be prohibited due to the nature of the issues being dealt with.
- Enhancing the learning experience by embedding Inter Professional Education principles within health education.
What makes innovation different?
Stilwell is unique as, for the user; it is reminiscent of a soap opera. This is due to the way in which each character and their story is entwined with other characters. It is considerably more engaging than traditional case studies and can be utilised at all levels and professions from a number of different perspectives. It is further enhanced by the dramatic and gritty nature of the content which is both rich and diverse. The narrative pedagogical principles within Stilwell’s design make it innovative and unique.
Changes in practice
- Teaching practice has changed by facilitating flexible/distance learning whilst still maintaining tutor support.
- Inter Professional Education is now more prolific within health faculty teaching sessions which further enhances the student experience.
- We have received positive feedback from faculty and students who have utilised Stilwell resources.
- Stilwell and its narrative pedagogy has been the subject of a number of published research papers, with contributors being invited to speak at educational conferences internationally.
- Stilwell is being utilised within faculty to support teaching and learning of University students.
- It is also being accessed for the commercial benefit of the University by public and private sector organisations internationally.