Archived case study

Service user video



The use of video to capture service user stories. These videos provide a consistent service user (SU) voice and show the students the SU in their environment, living with a condition.

What prompted innovation?

Getting the students more engaged, bridging the theory-to-practice gap by seeing the real human experience and engaging with the theory.

What makes innovation different?

These videos are specifically created for our students, rather than a generic Youtube resource. The service user is talking directly to our students and it is important to note that they may have had a connection with our students either on placement or ex-students who are now qualified practitioners.

Changes in practice

With respect to ethics, the students are acutely aware of the ethical responsibilities they hold and will hold when qualified. It is vital that through the use of these videos they engage in an ethical way and are responsible. These students are on the boundaries of working with service users as qualified OTs and these videos make them realise the importance of maintaining confidentiality in the way they will have to in practice.


  • The students respond really well to the videos. They are very powerful and very human and make the students think about how they might manage if they were in that situation.
  • Simon received a Teaching Excellence award for this work.


Via staff development sessions