Applicants to The Open University (OU) pre-registration nursing programme (PRNP) are required to write a short paper on a topic specified by a panel of service users. Each shortlisted applicant’s paper is reviewed, commented upon and graded by service users within each locality. Standard criteria are provided to promote consistency in service user assessment across applicants’ papers. Service users also provide a question specific to each interviewee based on the interviewee’s account which is then posed, in the service user’s words, by the interview panel on their behalf.
What prompted innovation?
There are 3 core prompts to this development:
- The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2010:59) states that where possible and appropriate service users should be included in the selection process.
- Scottish Government Health Directorates and NHS Education Scotland (2010) acknowledge that the involvement of service users in the selection of student nurses is variable and as yet seems to be a relatively unexplored aspect of selection, with opportunity for new practices and innovative approaches.
- Following the public enquiry into the standards of care at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust and the publication of the Francis report (2013) we are focusing on the selection of pre-registration nursing students for their potential to deliver compassionate care by exploring applicants’ attributes and values.
What makes innovation different?
- This innovation allows for active and meaningful involvement of service users, in the selection of Open University pre-registration nursing students.
- The process is implemented and achievable across the nations and regions of the United Kingdom, involved in the delivery of the pre-registration nursing programme.
- The method of involvement provides a manageable and equitable way of involving service users whilst remaining resource effective.
- Service users have valued the process which also allows those with severe motor or sensory impairment to contribute to the selection of student nurses.
Changes in practice
This innovation is now successfully implemented in the selection phase of student recruitment to the OU pre-registration nursing programme across the United Kingdom.
- This innovation has been commended at the Nursing and Midwifery Council annual quality assurance review in December 2012 when the PRNP team were commended for the innovative way service users and carers are involved in the selection process.
- Further, the innovation has also been commended through the Open University internal periodic programme review in the autumn of 2012.
- A full evaluation of the process and its ability to help recruit students with attributes of value to the NHS is currently in progress.
- Disseminated within the Open University via faculty staff development events
- Disseminated within the wider healthcare sector on 21st February, 2013, at the Research and Innovation in the Recruitment and Retention of Pre-Registration Nursing and Midwifery Students Conference hosted by NES In Edinburgh,and on 21 June 2013 at the Phi Mu Chapter (England) Inaugural Conference: “Putting people at the heart of nursing care: leading the way” hosted by Bournemouth University
- Acknowledged in the Willis Commission report: Quality with Compassion: the future of nursing education (2012)