Archived case study

Module in ‘Innovation and Creativity’ for 3rd year OT students



There is a module at the end of year 3 (just prior to the students graduating) called “Innovation and Creativity”. This module develops OT skills in the students in a structured and creative way. The module asks the students to submit a business proposal for an innovative idea which fits broadly under one of the following categories:

  1. An innovative occupationally focussed intervention (this could be a new form of service delivery, a training package etc)
  2. An innovative role/post for an Occupational Therapist (this could be within a specified service or as an independent practitioner)
  3. An innovative piece of equipment

The students also present their idea to a ‘dragons den’ style panel of staff and their peer group for feedback. Experts are drawn from industry and from the business school at CCCU.

What prompted innovation?

The team were looking at enhancing the link between business/service development and practice. This module enhances the students’ employability skills and better prepares them for the today’s workplace.

What makes innovation different?

This type of activity is not normally found in a “typical” undergraduate OT curriculum. It makes students think about the real costs, risks and benefits of new interventions or pieces of equipment.

Changes in practice

  • One group of students are developing an app that may be commercially available.
  • Students are able to graduate with skills required to start-up their own business, these skills can also give them an edge over others when applying for jobs.


The students really like the module and it is commended by the external examiners.


Via programme management meetings and programme management comittees with student and service representatives