Archived case study

Module for senior public health practitioners

Student journey stage:


We developed a competence based bespoke module for senior public health practitioners in response to a ‘health protection’ commission. The seniority of the participants required a compact 1 week module with an integrated assessment giving same day results. An OSPE (objective structured practice examination) tested both theoretical knowledge and practice skills in health protection.

What prompted innovation?

The innovation arose from the need for a condensed means of providing high level education for senior practitioners (change of mode), taught to suit their needs (change of method) and assessed in such a way as to rigorously test both knowledge and skill competence with very rapid results and feedback (change of assessment).

What makes innovation different?

  • Firstly the provision of bespoke education to the public sector, tailored to their requirements.
  • Secondly the opportunity for real innovation in the 3 domains of change – mode, method and assessment.

Changes in practice

  • Change in educational provision: Introducing flexibility of mode and delivery method has encouraged colleagues to reconsider current provision in other areas.
  • Changes in relationship with practice commissioners. The readiness to make change to suit market needs was greatly appreciated by the commissioner and has led to further requests for provision.


  • Student evaluations were overwhelmingly positive – both in relation to the content but also the delivery of the module. The assessment was unfamiliar to all, but proved very popular and effective (100% pass rate).
  • Long term impact directly in terms of numbers of practitioners able to apply for UKPHR (United Kingdom Public Health Register) registration.


  • We have shared it with colleagues across the public health sector and with colleagues in the wider higher education sector.
  • It has formed part of an HEA digest of innovative assessment in 2013.