- As part of the module assessment the students are required to design a leaflet for staff about a patient that has specific/additional needs that can be clearly related to psychological, sociological or physical issues.
- The purpose of the leaflet is to provide information for radiographers or other health professionals about this particular patient group that may visit the Diagnostic Imaging Department.
- The choice of patient needs to be justified and the design of the leaflet reflected upon.
What prompted innovation?
- The course team is keen to use a range of assessments which encourage creativity, in addition to the standard methods of assessments such as rather than just having assignments and examinations.
- The focus of the module is service users and the purpose of it is to facilitate and encourage the students to learn about a range of service users that visit the diagnostic imaging department, and to consider how best to care for them.
What makes innovation different?
Students do not normally create leaflets as a form of assessment so it required them to think carefully about what to include and who their target audience was.
Changes in practice
- Students are much more aware of the needs of their service users.
- Producing a leaflet has helped them to think about what information radiographers need to know about specific patients and how a leaflet might be helpful.
- The students enjoyed creating the leaflets and undertaking the research to produce them; this was evidenced from module feedback.
- The external examiners also commented on the innovative assessment method.
Some excellent leaflets have been produced which we hope to publish in the future.