Archived case study

Law and ethics module with review of contemporary issues



Module Two: Law & Ethics
Students on the Law & Ethics course are required to conduct a legal and ethical review of the recent Francis inquiry. This provides students with the opportunity to crucially evaluate a real world problem. Ongoing assessment of the course will use relevant and up-to-date inquires or reviews that present current legal, professional and ethical issues that have important individual and professional implications for practice.

What prompted innovation?

These innovations have been developed to aid in the translation of theory to practice. These innovations represent an attempt to develop critical decision making and critical evaluation skills using real world problems in the classroom.

What makes innovation different?

The application of real world problems and a focus upon the student’s learning.

Changes in practice

  • There is some indication that the students on the Acutely Ill Adult Nursing course are much more confident in their practice when looking after acutely unwell patients.
  • Changes to the Law and Ethics module are new and therefore difficult to assessment impact at this stage.


Several students comment upon the positive impact that the Acutely Ill Adult Nursing course has had for them on module evaluation and also in making contact after the course has completed.


Through the teaching champions group within the school.