Interprofessional co-creation of student and staff research and educational projects.


When did you first introduce the innovation?

Between 12 and 24 months ago

Please describe the innovation you have developed

The innovation has involved student and staff working together to add value to student projects

Case 1: Co-creation of abstracts and publications: Students in the 3rd year in MW, OT and PT are involved in writing a literature review on a topic of their choice. This case has involved staff working with students during their 3rd year and after they have completed their degrees to enable them to present and/or publish their literature reviews

Case 2: Co-creation of an educational resource: Students in the third year across the faculty are involved in developing a project with a stakeholder and working in interprofessional groups. This was part of a level H unit. After the initial project was launched staff and students have continued to work together to develop a website which aims to address an educational shortfall. This resource was piloted in 2015 by second year students as part of their interprofessional education across the faculty.

Case 3: Co-creation of research: The summer ‘research-in-action’ project saw keen Physiotherapy undergraduates volunteer to be research assistants for a few weeks over the summer of 2014. They worked on a specifically designed research project incorporating the day to day running of recruitment, data collection, data processing, with some also taking on the task of writing up sections of the project for conferences or publications

What prompted you to develop this innovation?

Case study 1: The prompt was from the student following feedback from a member of staff on the assignment.

Case study 2: The prompt was from staff who wanted to develop an e-learning resource with students.

Case study 3: The prompt was from staff who received funding for a research proposal and put out a call for volunteers.

In your view, what is it about this innovation that makes it different/important?

Case study 1: This provided students with a unique opportunity to disseminate their innovation to a wider arena. Disseminating their work to a wider audience has enabled them to network with other colleagues beyond the faculty and some beyond the university them and to explore future directions.

Case study 2: Co-creation of an educational resource which involves students from different professions in this field (pain management) is innovative. Less than 20% of higher education institutes empower students to work interprofessionally in this field and internationally few HEIs have produced a web based e-learning resource and none co-creating with students. This pedagogic experience of co-creation was supported by Centre of Excellence in Learning at Bournemouth University in 2014

Case study 3: Research in-action is not a new or innovative pedagogy but it has demonstrated, in this case study to have been truly transformative and impactful. To this end the pedagogic experience was captured and served as a case example of good practice with the Centre for Excellence in Learning at Bournemouth University over the last year.

To what extent does your innovation make use of existing approaches, resources or technologies?

Overall these projects enhanced the existing working and understanding between staff and students, using resources and technologies that are available.

Case study 1: This built on work that the students had done as part of their third year programme.

Case study 2: This built on work that the student had done for their degree. Enabled resources in the university to be built for the benefit of future students

Case study 3: This provided students an opportunity to gain meaningful employment in the summer related to their degree. The research in action project enabled them to develop communication, project management and data collection skills

To what degree has this innovation led to changes in education or clinical practice?

All three cases provided students with real projects and challenged their ability to deliver material in an arena external to the university.

It created an opportunity for groups of students to work to take control of their learning, giving them the confidence to be autonomous when working together with technology as an enabler. The confidence came from the facilitative support given by staff.

Students reported:

‘Our attendance at the International Society of Biomechanics congress in Glasgow was a hugely academically enriching experience. The four day event has given us exposure to different avenues of research and has helped us explore alternative directions for our future as Physiotherapists’.

‘It has taught me that team working is important within research studies along with the handling of data and statistical tests, something I previously had little experience in. I would recommend this experience to any students to gain a greater appreciation for how research occurs.’

‘Being part of a real project facilitated my interest in this field and taught me the importance of ongoing communication in order to create a result’.

What evidence do you have of the impact of the innovation?

Case study 1:

Dorey C, Williams JM. 2015. How to strengthen the hip muscles in individuals with patellofemoral pain: What can be learned from the literature? Physiotherapy Research Society 34th Scientific Meeting, Leicester

Dorey C, Williams JM. Strengthening the hip muscles in individuals with patellofemoral pain: what can be learned from the literature? Physical Therapy Reviews, 2015

Hayes, B, Williams J, Clark C Investigating the effect of lifestyle interventions to reduce risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome European Public Health conference Milan, Italy

Case study 2:

Clark C and Tait D, 2014 Student driven learning guiding Interprofessional Education for Pain management CAIPE Forum Meeting, Bournemouth University, 29th September 2014

Tait D, 2015 Working collaboratively with undergraduate students to develop an on-line resource for an interprofessional educational approach to pain management Recent Advances in Chronic Pain Management Conference, Bournemouth University, May

Case study 3:

Williams JM, Dorey C, Clark C, Clark S. The within-day and between-day reliability of using sacral accelerations to quantify balance performance. Physical Therapy in Sport 2015

Williams JM, Dorey C, Clark C, Clark S 2015. The clinical measurement of balance using accelerometry: Within- and between-day reliability. Physiotherapy Research Society 34th Scientific Meeting, Leicester

Parkinson J, West D, Clark C, Williams J. 2015. Is there a correlation between wobble board performance and static balance performance? Physiotherapy Research Society 34th Scientific Meeting, Leicester
and XXVth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Glasgow

Clark CJ, Clark S, Dorey C, Williams J. 2015. Assessing construct validity of the functional difficulties questionnaire for assessing developmental coordination disorder Dyspraxia in adults. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Singapore.

To what degree has the innovation been disseminated in your organisation or elsewhere?

Internal to organisation:

  • Students submitted abstracts to SURE conference and presented these in the form of poster and platform presentation.
  • Posters relating to Case 2 and Case 3 submitted to Centre of Excellence in learning.
  • HSC Blogs.

External to organisation:

Cases 1, 2 &3

  • Physiotherapy Research Society 34th Scientific Meeting, Leicester, UK.
  • XXVth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Glasgow, UK.
  • World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Singapore.
  • Recent Advances in Chronic Pain Management Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  • Physical Therapy Reviews, 2015
  • Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) Forum Meeting, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth

Please provide details of any plans you have to disseminate the innovation in the future.

Case study 1

One student to disseminate at an International conference in October.

Case study 2

The web site is under review by experts in the field and open to students.

Case study 3

Clark CJ, Clark S, Dorey C., Williams J. Correlation of the Functional Difficulties Questionnaire (FDQ-9) with dynamic balance using the SMARTwobble instrumented wobble board. (under review).