Archived case study

Electronic professional and personal development portfolio for PGR students

Student journey stage:


It is an electronic Professional and Personal Development Portfolio. It provides PGR students with:

  • e.links to relevant information which would otherwise take time to identify from within the University’s website.
  • e.links to relevant sites of use throughout their research career, e.g. Vitae UK, and sites relevant to the University’s aim of public engagement.
  • templates adaptable to suit their individual learning needs, e.g. identification of strengths and learning needs and how they consider the latter could be addressed.
  • a timetable for progression through their programme of study with identification of the formal Progress Review points within it.
  • a tool to record their informal and formal meetings with their supervisors

What prompted innovation?

The fact that PGR students commence at different times within the academic year. They do not comprise a cohort nor undertake PGR-specific modules. Development of the Portfolio was to ensure that students have a framework within which to record their progress throughout their studies and e.links to relevant sources of information and support.

What makes innovation different?

Rather than a paper handbook this provides an adaptable electronic resource for students that can be readily updated by them.

Changes in practice

Prior to the Portfolio’s development PGR students had no handbook, with only their formal progress meetings being documented for University records. The Portfolio provides a tangible reminder to students and supervisors of formal progression points and the need to address the students’ professional and personal development throughout their programme of studies.


The Portfolio appears to be used successfully by most students and positive comments about it have been received informally.


It was disseminated within the University, for information, via the Research Degrees Assessment Board.